
Tuesday 6 March 2018

Rainbow Fish

learning intention: Recognise ways that people can grow in Virtue.

What virtues can you identify from the story?
- Generous
- loving
- delighted
- selfish
What connection can you make with the changes in the fish and the changes in people as they
grow in virtue?
- Rainbow fish used to be greedy and selfish until he gave that fish a scale and saw that the fish was full
of joy.
- People always have their behaviour wrong that can affect others. but they can change if they just have
the right attitude.

Growing in Virtues means?
-Growing in virtues means your behaviour to others

How is the growth in virtue evident?
-  When you have the right attitude to believe in yourself

Why is it important?
- Because virtues can make a big difference to ourselves or others people.

How does growth in virtues relate to the development of a person's faith and character?
- It Relates to who we are.

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