
Tuesday 24 May 2016

God is in us all!

On a windy and cold Sunday morning, my sister and I went to Pamure Church to have or second Sunday class. Our teacher was Ana Tui and her helper was Maxine.

First we began our class with a short prayer. We each had a turn thanking God for things that he did for us. Then Maxine called out the roll to check if people were present. Next our lesson was reflecting on the Holy Trinity and what does it mean. I learnt that the Holy Trinity means the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Not long after we each got a paper that speech bubbles around it and in the middle said ''God is...Our task was to come up with words that describes God like loving, Caring and more. After that we had another piece of paper that said, ''I am created in the image of God." We had to draw ourselves in the right hand corner as our homework.

Finally our class had ended so we sang a song as a prayer and made the sign of the cross. Amen.

I had a great time leaning new things especially about the mystery of the Holy Trinity.   

Learning intention: We are learning to write a recount. 
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I follow the structure of a recount by writing an introduction, followed by the events and then a conclusion of about my Sunday school class.  

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